Less than four months after Street Outlaws star Daddy Dave Comstock barely escaped with his life from a terrifying crash while racing his nitrous-fed Chevy II named Goliath, co-stars Justin Big Chief Shearer and Brian Chucky Davis are currently recovering after another horrendous crash involving their famous rides, Crow and Chucky.
According to Dragzine, the accident happened while the two co-stars were racing during filming for Street Outlaws. Shearer was racing alongside Brian Davis in a race being filmed for an upcoming episode of the Discovery Channel program, reports the site, when Davis got loose and tagged the quarter panel of the Pontiac, sending them both careening out of control.
UPDATE Get all the latest on Big Chiefs condition (and more photos of what is left of Crow) directly from Big Chief himself! Also, find out how Brian Davis is doing and how you can donate to help him rebuild CHUCKY. (Just click the links.)
Here are before-and-after photos of both cars involved in the accident:
The site initially shared an unconfirmed report that Shearer incurred injuries to his shoulders, lungs, and crushed his L2 and L3 vertebrae in the accident and remains under medical care. They later updated to reveal Big Chief was reportedly uninjured.
Daddy Dave Comstock took to Facebook to send his well wishes to Big Chief, and he seemed to indicate that Big Chief did sustain some pretty serious injuries that will require recovery:
Im at a loss for words today after watching one of my best friends go through this. Chief went through one of the worst crashes Ive witnessed, and as we talked at the hospital, I am just thankful he is still with us!!!! You never think it can happen to you, but it can and does. His road to recovery will be a long one, and I and all the others close to him will be there to help him.
UPDATE TMZ has since posted about the accident and reveals that Shearer is in the hospital with an injured back, a dislocated shoulder[,] and an injured lungand his L2 and L3 vertebrae are reportedly crushed. They did not have a status on Brian Davis.
There have been no updates from Shearer or Davis on social media. We wish them both a speedy recovery!
Here are some more photos of the two cars after the crash: