I noticed the Avatar of Carl 2 has change to his Veteran plate. I am posting some pictures I took at CFB Downsview when the Avro Arrow replica was rolled out in honour of all our Veterans and those presently serving. I had two Grandfathers serve and both were wounded in WWI in France and my father plied the Atlantic during WWII in Corvettes and Sweepers.
love the pictures! That was such a waste, to see them all destroyed.. Governments are so stupid sometimes.. My Dad was 9-13 during the war. His older brother was there.. I was in the Royal Canadian Air Force. Was in Halifax N.S. St Jeans Qc. CFB Borden, and finally CFB Clinton.. Mr Dalton was kind enough to give the plates to us. But I think Ontario is paying dearly! (for Mr Dalton) thanks Carl2