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Post Info TOPIC: Dorchester Rod and Custom show July 25

A Poncho Legend!

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Dorchester Rod and Custom show July 25

Anyone going to the Dorchester, Ont show this Sunday. It is now a one day only event. If the weathers decent I may bring ol Lemon-Lime out for a few hours.



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A Poncho Legend!

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Posts: 35601

Maybe! like to go     good show!   be nice to get old ulgy strato chief out  confused 



Uber Guru

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Posts: 3830

I'm probably going for a look. A few guys I know will be putting their cars in


Drifting offshore is a fine way to spend a day!!

A Poncho Legend!

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Posts: 26990

We went to the show today (without the Laurentian). I only saw one Acadian and no other Oshawa cars. Sad.. The Acadian was an excellent representation of the marque:


If it were mine, I wouldn't change a thing. Yes, I'd even keep the 6.

There was in my opinion the nicest Chevelle I have ever seen at the show. This one had everything I would want- ragtop, 4 speed, big block and super straight black paint with red interior. The owner drives this car. It is flawless!


A Beaumont in the same colour scheme would look fantastic!



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