Anyone got any idea what a 53 Catalina dr htp would be worth, been sitting in garage for at least 10yrs. doesn't run, all there, looks like it was a southern car, as paint is burn't off, showing surface rust, but it's all there, has a couple of cracked side glass, & interior not bad but not good either. Haven't approached owner to see if he will sell it & don't want to "insult" him with a offer thats not realalistic Thanks Pete
Some times I wake up GRUMPY, but today I let her sleep in !!!!!!!!BLACKSTOCK Ont.
Offer him $2000 to start. A Catalina 2 dr hdtp should be worth that if it's complete and not rusted out. Does it have the light-up amber hood ornament?
Ray, that one is pretty close, in condition,although yr. is wrong, no interior pics. so can't compare that part. I was thinking along your price as well, don't know if it's "fur sail" or not YET!!! Think it had the light up indian head, been awhile since I was there
-- Edited by dualquadpete on Wednesday 30th of September 2009 05:35:51 PM
Some times I wake up GRUMPY, but today I let her sleep in !!!!!!!!BLACKSTOCK Ont.
Darryl, hard to tell if it;s comparable, without picture but sounds close in condition, sure wish we could get good cars here in Ontario, without having to go west or south, I'm getting to where I won't touch an Ont. car now, after having the southern Catalina for the last 9 yrs. it still looks new underneath!!!
Some times I wake up GRUMPY, but today I let her sleep in !!!!!!!!BLACKSTOCK Ont.
I haven't made an offer on this yet, 64 Catalina has not sold yet. No contacts from adds here, or in Kijiji, Old Autos, or Classical Pontiac [Ammes] in the states. Money is still "tight" & friends at the cruise in"s say car is "priced" right !!!! I will have to wait to see if it sells but economy & time of yr. are not helping???
Some times I wake up GRUMPY, but today I let her sleep in !!!!!!!!BLACKSTOCK Ont.