Tues I was in Whitby & went to the truck driving school I worked at for a visit. While sitting at Thickson & Champlain watching the cross traffic I couldn't believe how many people went through the intersection with the phone in their hand, at least 7 in the short peroid. SO MUCH FOR THE HANDS FREE LAW & INFORCEMENT This is a total JOKE!!!! I think the attitude is " This law is for everybody else, not me"
Some times I wake up GRUMPY, but today I let her sleep in !!!!!!!!BLACKSTOCK Ont.
I was listening to John Tory on newstalk 1010 yesterday on this very issue. He suggests 2 demerit points for driving without a hands free. The thought is that most people just treat the current $123 dollar fine as simply a permit to continue with this practice. Such a fine might smack of more big brother to some, but imop it would really curtail the problem. Imagine having an insurance premium increase as a result...
67 Grande Parisienne 4 door HT. 69 Parisienne Convertible.
Already too many laws and fines and whatnot out there. why give the dads any more of your personal freedom? All's it is is another $$$ grab. If they truly wanted to stop it, ban cell phones alltogether. Just like global warming, when I was a kid, we were headed into another ice age. Just another way to heard "Sheep" into submission. I say ban tobacco before cell phones, never will as too much tax revenue.