Neat story at the lake today. There's a really small public beach about 1000' feet down the shore from our cabin. There's an internet site that lists a 6 day canoe trip in our area and one of the lakes you can across is our lake. You launch the canoe at the public beach. Early this morning I heard some noise over at the beach, so I went to make sure it wasn't campers (overnight camping there is illegal). There was 4 canoes there, 9 teenage boys and a lady likely mid 20's supervising the trip. One of the boys saw my Pontiac shirt and we started talking Pontiacs. He told me the group was from St Catherines (that's a long haul to Kenora Ontario!) and that his class in shops had restored a 76 Trans Am.
Anyway, I told him about this site, gave him my card with the website on it and told him to look here for a lake crossing picture of them when he got home. So I'm doing my part, and hopefully he sees this and maybe we'll recruit a new young Pontiac fan!
And as you can see, what a absolutely perfect day it was.