This event is officially the very last car show of the year here in Ontario. It is a car show and swap meet and always worth the effort to be there. Sadly for me and i am sure for many other folks, it is looking like a wash out this year. 90% rain is expected and that will obviously effect the turn out of old cars. For me very depressing because it signals putting my two oldies away until early May. I am saying a prayer to the old car gods that the weather is better for the send off to the old car season. Cheers.
1957 Pontiac Pathfinder Deluxe sedan restored 261 six
1974 Chevrolet Caprice Estate wagon low mileage original 400 V-8
George it will be dry inside where I am. Wet weather will screw up the car show and outside vendors (I used to vend here outside but you couldn't depend on the weather so I started to use the inside option).
How was the turnout Chris?Did you see outside at all? we had rain in Cambridge on and off all day.I had a family event I had to attend.
Keep on Cruising!
Hi Dave smaller turnout because of the weather, about 1/3 of the parking lot vendors,lower sales but still was okay. Had a visit with Chris Newport
(invader sedan ).Packed up at 2 home at 5