I was listening to the Hemmings Podcast today and the host had on a guest named Nick Reid. Nick is a photographer who has done some photography work for Dianne Keaton in the past. Turns out Dianne collects "interesting" old black and white photos. She purchased a bunch of photos from an estate sale years ago of a coroner who was tasked with taking photos of fatal car wrecks in from 1949 until 1989. His method of photography was quite unorthodox at the time. If he was taking a night shot he'd expose the film, then move the flash around the wreck turning the flash on and off in different locations. This created quite a result. Nick took a bunch of these photos, picked the most compelling and spent hours cleaning them up and editing (removing anything related to the victims) and he and Keaton published them in a book fittingly called "Dead of Night". I'm not sure if I'd buy the book but the photos are strangley fascinating.
You can order the book at this link and see several of the images that are in the book