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A Poncho Legend!

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Posts: 26990

That's me. I just completed my hydrogen cell. It works! Using common materials found at a hardware store, I managed to throw it together in about 2 hours. I made a short video of it in action CLICK HERE
The bubbles are hydrogen. The "bubbler" did it's job. I put a flame near the output hose from the bubbler and after several "pops" it back fed into the bubbler and blew the cork out! biggrin  This prevents it from back feeding into the unit. Now the test will be to see if I see any MPG improvements. I'm going to test it on my junker S10. I will run this tank of gas near empty and record the km's and refill the tank and run the unit. I'm going to operate it via a relay and a dash mounted switch. A 30 amp fuse will protect the wiring in case of accidental overloads or shorts. Even if it doesn't improve mileage it was fun to put together and my son got a kick out of seeing it work.


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Canadian Poncho Superstar!

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 Good luck!


65 Laurentian post, 67 Grande Parisienne 4 door HT. 

A Poncho Legend!

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Posts: 49214

Are you implying that is a future picture of his S10???!!!


1966 Strato Chief 2 door, 427 4 speed, 45,000 original miles 

1966 Grande Parisienne, 396 1 of 23 factory air cars (now converted to a "factory" 4 speed)

A Poncho Legend!

Status: Online
Posts: 26990

Hell, it already looks like that!


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