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Post Info TOPIC: GM Clutch fan

A Poncho Legend!

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Posts: 35601
GM Clutch fan

I got this clutch fan yesterday.  its marked 916759  K82   then 14009080  Do they really work?   Will it cool my engine better, at idle and around town?   anyone?  Bueller?

-- Edited by 427carl at 08:46, 2008-08-21



Poncho Master!

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Posts: 1978

What fan is on your car now?    If it is the standard 4 blade the seven blade clutch fan will make a big difference. Not just the number of blades but the pitch as well.


A Poncho Legend!

Status: Offline
Posts: 35601

its a standard fan  5 blade I think.



Poncho Master!

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Posts: 1978

Carl. You should see a difference with the clutch fan over the four or five blade fan. (If you PM me I can tell you how to tell which one you have LOL).
 Make sure that the clutch is good so it will freewheel when the RPM's are up. Are you running a fan shroud on the car? A shrould will guarantee that the fan is pulling is coming through the fan. Stay with the lower Tstat. You want the water to stay in the rad long enough to be cooled by the air.
 Let me know how you make out. I have a 7 blade flex fan I took off a 69 GMC with a 396 and AC which kept that motor cool. I don't want to sell it right now but you can borrow it to try it out.


A Poncho Legend!

Status: Offline
Posts: 35601

I tightened the rad cap, which was completely loose and it settled down to 210  I think the "electric" Auto Meter guage, should have its wire snipped.  The fan on the car is a 6 blade Flex fan... I haven't switched to clutch fan yet  I just have to drive to Bean Fest on Sat, and Todd's on Sun   THEN, I can put it away for a couple more years..idea Its more of a pain than a wife.

-- Edited by 427carl at 20:51, 2008-08-21



Poncho Master!

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Posts: 1978

I don't always trust an electric gauge to be as accurate as a mechanical gauge. Todd had a good idea to check it with a digital thermometer. I have one in my truck all the time if you want me to stop by the next time I am over at Stan's and check it just let me know.
 I know what you mean they can be a pain. The car that is. It's probably being stubborn after sitting for so long. You just have to get it out on the road where it want's to be. That big block probably feels like a caged animal.
 Let me know if you need any help.


A Poncho Legend!

Status: Offline
Posts: 35601

Thank you!   I put the first gas in it, today since April 06   It still wants to shift into high around 100 mpg  confused that about 300 km in Canada      and yes, a check when you are close to Stan's would be welcome...



Poncho Master!

Status: Offline
Posts: 1978

Will do Carl. PM me your address.

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