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Post Info TOPIC: Whats the procedure for removing vinyl top?

Poncho Master!

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Posts: 1659
Whats the procedure for removing vinyl top?

I was wondering what would be needed and instructions for removing a vinyl top, can you make the car just a regular hard top or would you have to put new vinyl over the roof?



A Poncho Legend!

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Posts: 20085

Vinyl tops often hide a lot of rust. You can make the car a regular hardtop but after stripping the vinyl there will be a lot of body work to do. What year and model is it?


Ray White, Toronto ON

1973 LeMans 454 "Astro-Jet"

Built March 9, 1973 - Oshawa ON

1993 Corvette Convertible LT 1

Built January 10, 1993 - Bowling Green Kentucky 


Canadian Poncho Superstar!

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Posts: 7110

i took mine off ,i was luck as there was no rust,be prepared for alot of glue ,an adhesive remover spray works well with a scraper and lots of work.also have to weld in the holes were the trim was.


Poncho Master!

Status: Offline
Posts: 1628

What car is it?.
Some look cool w/ painted roofs and leaving the trim!.





I like real cars best...especially the REAL real ones!

Poncho Master!

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Posts: 1659

Oh, I was just wondering because I had 2 cars that had vinyl tops, right now, I know its not a Canadian Poncho, or Pontiac, so please don't bann me, but its a 68 riviera.


Uber Guru

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Posts: 3830

68 Riv is a car to respect. One of the General's finest and a big part of the BOP appeal, welcome!


Drifting offshore is a fine way to spend a day!!

Poncho Master!

Status: Offline
Posts: 1659

Thanks eeluddy. what does BOP appeal mean if you don't mind me asking.


Poncho Master!

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Posts: 1628

BOP = Buick-Olds-Pontiac

Does the '68 Riv have a 430 and Posi...GS?.




I like real cars best...especially the REAL real ones!

Poncho Master!

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Posts: 1659

The buick does have the 430 Cubic inch engine. Not the GS model though.


Canadian Poncho Superstar!

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Posts: 4519

Right now I can buy a 69 Riv with a 430, California car, for a very good price. I'm tempted but I don't have the space: 8 garage spaces and 8 cars to fill them


62 Catalina 2 dr post project

55 Bel Air 2 dr post 265PP/PG

68 Bel Air 2 dr post BB project


Poncho Master!

Status: Offline
Posts: 1659

8 garages! I would take that. I don't even get to park my 68 Riv in the garage. poor thing.


Poncho Master!

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Posts: 1659

Here is a pic, but the a posts/pillars are bubbling, which is beginning to worry me.


Poncho Master!

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Posts: 1659

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