Well a little bit. Tiny hooked me up with a cheap set of Bonneville rims to mount my free snows on. The cleanup guys at work did wonders on them. They look like new from 20 feet!
With the commute to work and my son now living near Hamilton () I've really been racking up the KM's (over 30000 in the past year). The car hasn't missed a beat. I love the supercharged 3800's! V8 grunt with V6 fuel economy! And, like the Caddy's you can pick up a nice 97-2000 Ultra for about $2500!
Hey Boys! I was st Goderich today Went to McGee Chev/GM Looked at Clunker row next to that, is "as is" row At the end is Pearl white Caddy Deville nice chrome wheels. Michelin tires. GORGEOUS... clean clean looks like Southern car $3200.00 Will post photos tomorrow Anyone here a loan shark????