As a result of the few questionable threads we've had lately I thought I better touch on what I deem appropriate on my website. Since we are a diverse bunch it only makes sense to try to use some restraint when posting on certain topics, whether it be women, ethnic jokes, politics etc. I'd like to keep things as close to "PG' as possible. I'm no prude and certainly can appreciate a good looking woman and posting the odd tasteful photo of a woman doesn't bother me. What does bother me is when it turns into a 5 page thread of trashy looking girls and off colour comments. There are thousands of other sites like that. I think what makes Canadian Poncho unique is the camaraderie we share on here and it would be a shame to lose that over a few photos posted or an off colour joke. There are a lot of car related forums out there where anything goes. These sites bash newbies, allow swearing and near x-rated photos. Sorry guys, but that's not my thing. I was a bit surprised at that latest thread. If the responses had of consisted of mature debate on posting such photos instead of threats to boycott the site or the lounge or whatever, I would have let it go. Instead I killed it as I felt it was going nowhere fast.
Obviously I can't please everyone and if something that I deem appropriate stays on MY site, that's MY prerogative. Same thing applies if I delete it. The Lounge is for off topic posts. I spend a lot of time running this site and promoting our cars and with some of the headaches I've had lately I wonder if it's all worth it.