A neighbour of mine stopped by the other day and I got to thinking about picking up a '72 A-body wagon. It's a Pontiac 350 or 400 with an automatic.
How hard is it to convert it over to a 5 speed? Or put in a 700r4? I am digging buying it but would like an overdrive as I'll be driving it a lot next spring.
Other option is find a 200r4 with a BOP bell housing......Keep in mind the 700r4 is longer therefore you have to move the crossmember, shorten driveshaft and you have to wire the transmission for O.D. Bowtie Overdrives has most of ther wiring info you might need. http://www.bowtieoverdrives.com/index.shtml
1972 Pontiac Lemans (daughter's car) 2005 Pontiac Grand Am 2004 Ford Explorer Sport Trac
http://www.becontrols.com/index.htm I used one of these controllers in the wagon.They are priced very reasonably compared to other trans controllers($400-$500). Overdrive is a cool thing to have,I wish Id have done it a couple years ago.A 700r4 is a good swap ,I dont think you even need a separate controller to operate it.The crossmember can be slid back and just redrill the frame holes.Any floor fitting will just be minor,with a hammer.