Well these are the first pictures of my new enclosed car hauler. I have for the most part retired from transporting the classics. My wife is retired now and she doesn't like me gone on the road alone for a week or two at a time. I have decided to keep a trailer in Florida all the time and drive my truck down and back with just my personal hauler and a car to drive while in Florida, Jan.-April. I still have my dually hauler but it will go up for sale in the spring. I ordered what I hope is the best trailer I could afford to take the Acadian, this year, down to Ft. Myers. It is 23' long with a 3' V nose, steel construction as I couldn't afford aluminum. I opt'd for the screwless exterior, .040 guage siding, 5200# axles and dual brakes. The extra's were some "E" track in the front V, a 12 volt tongue jack, aluminum wheels, 48" side door, dove tail, D rings, weather proof floor, finished ceiling, loading lights in the rear and all LED lighting, even the running lights are small LED units. So, here is a picture of the Florida express ready to load up the car. I still have a wind deflector to mount on the rear of my car in hopes of improving mpg just a little. We will be gone shortly after the New Year and return about May 1, 2011. Enjoy the winter guys and drive safe.