I have three powerglide transmissions. One came from a 1965 Beaumont SD with 67,280 miles on it. The car was complete and original with a 230 six cylinder motor. I no longer have the motor, but I do have the powerglide transmission which is complete with the torque converter. I am asking $250 for this one. The second powerglide transmission is also complete with the torque converter and it came with a 283 motor as part of a package that I purchased with a 1965 Custom Beaumont. However, I do not know if this transmission is the original transmission that came with this car. I am asking $200 for this one. The third powerglide showed up somewhere along the line and I am not sure exactly when I got it or what it came out of. However, this one does not have a torque converter with it. I am asking $100 for this one. Thanks, Ken