If the go-cart was in Ontario, I would WANT it (so bad)...even have a spare/old 5 hp Briggs:
Growing up on the farm, we had snowmobiles since age 12. Plus, neighbor kids had a similar cart earlier and had much motorized summer fun on it.
- our farms were a 1/4 mile apart, they often brought the 3.5 horse powered unit to our homestead instead of peddling their ass off on their CCM bikes / up the big paved hill, prior to our driveway / never got busted by the cops either
IN grade8 we all went to the Teeswater, ON. rural fair and watched the Hell Driver's grand stand show (free one Saturday afternoon), put on the exhibition of our youthful lives.
- that weekend we were tent camping (w/fire pit & eating canned chili-con-car-n...LOL), 100 yards behind the cart neighbors barn and had 2 neighbor girls visit us boys (later that night)
We had to impress the two young female hotties (& real cute btw), so we went up to the family barn & farm implement garage to grabbed some long wood planks & bailer twine or nylon rope, and return them to our camp site...situated on the hard packed tractor access roadway, between the fields.
Next we built Hell Driver ramps for the go-cart:
a) to jump it, gaining a tiny bit of air born excitement
b) put the unit on 2 side wheels, for a short second
c) pulled someone behind it, holding onto the rope, while foot surfing on hard packed dirt
THOSE were the good old days, back in the early 1970...when the best way to enjoy fun, was to make it happen !!
Thanks Carl for posting photos, the go-cart we enjoyed (with 5 neighbourhood buddies) was just like yours.
No hijacking intended carl.Is anyone into the old 60's/70's mini bikes?a little nostalgia goin on here.I got this one on the go,frame was free,so,why not.I think its a bonanza frame.added a 5hp flathead briggs,yanked the governor,new diaphragm.spent 35$ on a clutch.when I find a couple more hours of spare time,will be good to go.gonna let the boy ride it if hes interested,if not,up for grabs.click on the pics,not sure how to full size them??