Decided to buy a bigger compressor cause mine wasn't quite doing it.It will be in this week,so on Tue. last I figured I'd list my old 1 on kijjiji.Sold it 1/2 hr.I thought great.Well damn while the guy drove off with it I realized my brain fart.I should of checked my tires first cause they love losing air and of course they were down. Then the weather was going to be nice for a few days so the next day I decide im going out and work on the car.Im all hyped up and go in the next day and yes you guessed it no compressor!
Moral of the story don't sell your compressor till the new ones in hands.
"The pursuit of perfection is frustrating and a waste of time because nothing is ever perfect. The pursuit of excellence is commendable and worth while. Therefore strive for excellence, not perfection"
I bought one of these on sale. I rarely fire up the big compressor any more unless its to drive air tools. I use the usb port to charge my iphone while im in the garage, built in alt.tester. Digital air compressor shuts off at set pressure. Built in light. 1400 amp boost. perfect fathers day present to your self. Just saying..