My wife took up a new hobby of wine making during this time of covid and she has been quite successful in brewing up all types of fruity wines. I am not a fan of the sweet and fruity varieties but after seeing and sampling her successful products, I figured I best give it a try as well.
Under the strict procedural guidance and supervision of my better half, we brewed up a batch of Italian red wine (supposed to be Italian red) and it is now bottled. I was quite pleased with the result of a Nebbiolo red, a 6 week kit. The kit is a Cru International Italy Style red wine kit and along with the finest tap water available in Winnipeg, it turned out quite nice. It would be considered a Oak-Medium, Body-Medium, and Sweetness-Dry type of wine. Goes very nicely with a steak or pasta.
With our great success, we just started an 8 week Italian "Super Tuscan" batch. I am not quite sure about this new hobby as our basement is beginning to look like a wine storage