I know that Todd did some work in this field, and for some reason my YouTube algorithm brought me here.
For something different, I thought I'd share this interesting view into the life of a beekeeper dealing (with difficulty) with a super aggressive hive. Man, these Bees were scary!
67 Grande Parisienne 4 door HT. 69 Parisienne Convertible.
I watched that video a few months ago. Before I got into the honey business here the guys were telling me they decided to import some Russian queen bees as they figured they'd be more resilient to our winter weather. Well they were pretty aggressive to the point they'd attack the guys as soon as they got out of the truck. They ended up having to destroy them and replace them with Queens from Kona, Hawaii and from New Zealand.
I've been in fields with angry bees. All it takes is on colony to get upset and the other 15 hives get the scent and get angry too. You can feel the bees hitting your suit like bullets.