The rearview mirror in my 65, while in decent shape as far as the silvering goes, will not hold the night position no how. It always pops back up to daytime and there appears no way to open it to tighten that position detent. Do you know how?
Normally, It wouldn't be a problem, but for some reason, in the 65 at night I'm continuously blinded. Maybe its the seating position being somewhat high, the clear flat rear glass, the new LED phenomenon, or maybe it's just old age...
Anyways, I think any 10" 65-72 CP or GM Stainless/Grey surround should work. If you have a good one (decent silvering) collecting dust under bench or in box, let me know.
Cheers, Mark
65 Laurentian post, 67 Grande Parisienne 4 door HT.
Just curious, but is there any way to adjust the tension on these? Years ago I tightened up a floppy rearview mirror on my '68 Plymouth by tightening a few screws, but I have no experience with GM mirrors.
I can't see anyway into the mirror as it stands. There are 2 rivets that may be able to be removed, apart from that, who knows.
I see... doesn't sound doable then. I thought maybe the band around the mirror slipped off or something. Maybe once you have a new one you could drill the rivets on the old one and see what's inside?