I just paid the site hosting fees for July. They were $205.70. We have $141.72 left in the bank account- and $81.51in Paypal - Justt enough to cover August hosting fees.
There's a link below the Poncho Store link that takes you to Vevor if you are in the mood to buy some cool items for your workshop and we'll get a comission.
Of course there's items in the Poncho store. My favorite item is the Beaumont SD T-shirt. I'm surprised we don't sell more of them.
Or, you can simply send some funds to help cover costs. There's a Paypal link below (you don't need to have Paypal to use this link simply click on the link that says "Not a member?" and pay by credit card)
You can also send an etransfer. Private message me if you wish to send an E-transfer.
Donation sent-it would be a nightmare trying to collect from everyone-leave it to each individual and try to get everyone to donate at the start of the year so you know what you are working with-I looked after memberships for our former chevelle club-I streamlined it -so instead of the month that you joined everyone reset at the start of the year-I was doing stuff for every month ( as people joined throughout the year) and was too time consuming-great work Todd and the crew!!!!
Keep on Cruising!!!