Dave 6 + 8 and both bells are the same, only difference, is in car model? I still cant believe all the speed shops, and on-line vendors, list them as the same... there must be a lot of b-body guys scratching their heads.. Carl2
carl 2, other bodies thread the pivot stud into the block, b-body stud is farther rear into the bellhousing. they have to make up(lose) that difference or the lower rod will be about 2-3" long. they make up the difference by using a straight fork without the forward bend. i already tried to use the bent fork. no go. and with headers, absolfreakinutely not. dave.
whats a header? that explaination sounds clear to me.. thank you... why wouldn't you shorten the bottom rod?, or would that not allow enough travel? Got snow? looks like the snow blower here in the morn..
believe me carl 2, that fork won't work, you need a straight fork, as in this picture.
13 days and no progress! Fork from Ecklers, Summit, Jegs, Classic industries ALL the same as my Chevelle FFFORK. i guess you cant get rare parts for rare car .. Looks like I wont have to cut a hole...